It is based on the fact that the human body has very subtle amounts of electrical energy which continually circulate via meridians or energy circuits. Electrical patterns in activity can be detected in the brain using EEGs (electroencephalographs) and in the heart using ECGs (electrocardiographs).
Whereas Western medicine concentrates on the chemical make-up of our bodies and treats ailments accordingly with medication, EFT concentrates on the electrical circuitry.
EFT has its foundations in the notion that all negative emotion, whether due to stress/anxiety, phobia, addiction, habit formation etc is not, in fact, caused by the memory of a traumatic event but rather is due to a blockage or disruption in the body’s energy system set up by the traumatic event.
Consequently, these disruptions in the electrical circuitry are tapped upon near the end points of the meridians in order to release the blockage.
EFT can be used on a huge number of different issues, ranging from emotional issues to physical pain, with very few negative effects ever being reported. So you can try it on anything and see what happens!
People you might know of who have used EFT include:
Paul McKenna - uses EFT to help people overcome eating disorders, insomnia and phobias.
Whoopi Goldberg - used EFT to help her conquer her fear of flying.
Michael Ball - is reported to have used EFT to calm his nerves before going on stage to sing.
Deepak Chopra - award-winning author, frequently endorses the effects of EFT.
Lily Allen and Madonna - are also fans of the technique; as well as a number of sports stars who have been seen ‘tapping’, ranging from the world of football to Formula 1.
Personally, I have witnessed people time and time again suffering from phobias, panic attacks, cravings and pain reduce their symptoms dramatically using this very simple technique.
If you would like to find out how EFT could help you then get in touch:
Rachel at RMB Hypnotherapy - 07733 839591
[email protected]
Central England Therapy Centre - 0121 444 1110