Very often, if we’re facing a particular problem, we try to think our way out of it. And often this works. However, what if it’s not that easy? Perhaps we’re suffering from chronic anxiety, pain or a specific phobia. Sometimes, it’s not always so easy to simply think our way out of it.
A technique often used by hypnotherapists is that of ‘changing the submodalities’. This is a very effective and powerful way of changing the experience of an experience.
Have you ever thought about how you experience pain, for example. Often we just say we’ve got a headache, or toothache or that we pulled a muscle. Sometimes we might add extra detail, and try to explain what that pain feels like – “My head feels like it’s in a vice,” “A sharp shooting pain in my tooth,” or the “searing heat” of a torn muscle.
Hypnotherapy uses our way of experiencing the world to help us make changes. We all use particular representational systems. These are, for example, based on our senses. We see things, hear things, taste things, smell things, and feel things. This is how we experience the world.
Changing the submodalities is simply changing the way we experience things using our senses in our imagination. For example, can we change what we see in our imagination from colour to black and white – if so we might just be able to change our experience of whatever it is.
Can we represent our experience of pain as something we can use in our imagination? For example, does it have a shape, or a colour, or a texture? How big does it seem to be in our experience? If we can imagine this, then we have the potential to change our experience of it by changing the size, colour, texture etc – changing the submodalities.
There are many different techniques in hypnotherapy that utilize changing the submodalities, ranging from those used for phobia release, through to weight management, smoking cessation and pain. And they all have the potential to change how we experience things.
If you’d like more information on how hypnotherapy might be able to help you then do please get in touch:
Central England Therapy Centre 0121 444 1110
Rachel’s mobile at RMB Hypnotherapy 07733 839 591
email - [email protected]