Here are a few practical tips that you might find helpful whilst undertaking a course of hypnotherapy. Many people find that being aware of these can make the process of weight management a lot easier.
1. Always be prepared – As with anything, a lot of success hides in the detail of being prepared. Try to think ahead and purposefully avoid unhealthy patterns in your eating, for example, if you usually buy chocolate as part of your weekly shop decide to substitute it with something that you enjoy but which is better for you. Always be prepared with something different.
Remember your own personal triggers and plan for them. Plan ahead each day if you can and look at all the potential pitfalls that might crop up within your day. Be prepared!
2. Change the way you look at things – in psychology nobody really likes the idea of losing anything so instead of thinking about losing weight which obviously implies a feeling of loss, realise that you will be gaining health and fitness.
3. Prepare for change – Becoming someone who is fitter is all about changing patterns and routines, and noticing what’s going on in your thoughts.
Begin to imagine yourself as someone who is slimmer, in better shape and more active. See yourself as having achieved your goals. Prepare for it by buying new clothes in the size you wish to be. Make your goals achieveable.
4. Be mindful – To start with, you might think about food a lot but that’s only natural. Just be aware of the fact you will. Experience these thoughts fully, and don’t try to deny them. Let your thoughts be there; be aware of all the judgements you make about the process of losing weight and about yourself – and remember that thoughts come and go. Over time this will get easier. To help, make sure you keep yourself occupied. Keeping your mind focused on other things and keeping your body active can both help.
5. Fruit and vegetables – It might sound a bit boring but have lots of your favourite fruit and vegetables available and already prepared to eat so that when you have the urge to eat something that perhaps you know you shouldn’t you have something ready and waiting for you, making it easier to make healthier choices.
Water - Sometimes we mistake feelings of thirst for feelings of hunger. Always have a bottle of water with you. Take sips whenever you want to knowing that water is good for you. Drinking water can help fill you up and dissipate hunger pangs.
7. Breathe deeply – breathing deeply can help with relaxation. If you learn how to breathe deeply down into your abdomen feelings of tension soon disappear. This can help with anything – feelings of anxiety and stress – and ultimately help with the choices you make, including those surrounding food and drink. Breathing deeply helps to put you back in control.
And, of course, adding hypnosis into the mix can add a very powerful extra dimension to weight management.
I offer hypnotherapy sessions for weight management at Central England Therapy Centre in Kings Heath, Birmingham. Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more:
07733 839 591 - [email protected] - or fill in the contact form.
Please remember it’s always a good idea to seek medical advice from your GP before embarking on a course of hypnotherapy for weight management.